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"Home of the Spartans"

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Dress Code

2022-2023 Caudill Dress Code


  • Must be in good condition with no tears, cuts, or holes.
  • Must be appropriate and show no visible undergarments.
  • All students must remain in dress code until they exit the building, get on the bus, or are at an extracurricular activity, etc.



  • Full length, non-denim, cotton/twill pants.  Cargo pants are NOT permitted. Girls may wear skirts that cover the knee when standing.  NO leggings, jeggings, joggers, or any knit pants. Pants/skirts must be solid tan, brown or black.
  • Pants must be worn at waist.
  • Pants can have no visible logos.
  • Shorts are not permitted (athletic classes and wellness classes are exceptions.)
  • Belts MUST be worn. (Exception to this policy: pants or shirts that have elastic in the waistband and/or do not have belt loops.)



  • Polo/button shirt with collar must be worn.  Shirts, of solid color, can have no logos other than school sponsored logos.    Caudill or MCHS approved t-shirts are permissible.  
  • Approved school sponsored t-shirts or sweatshirts (non- hooded) may be worn on any day.
  • Shirts must be tucked in all day.
  • Sweatshirts or sweaters (non-hooded, non-logo) with a waistband may be worn without being tucked in all day.  (Shirt as described above must be worn underneath.)
  • No garments considered undergarments shall be visible (t-shirts at the neckline are acceptable.)
  • Jackets/coats and other outerwear must be stored in locker during the school day.




  • These items are not permissible: hats, sunglasses, bandanas, scarves, and chains/objects attached to or a part of student clothing.
  • All purses should be smaller than a three-ring notebook.
  • All backpacks (includes cinch sacks) are to be stored in lockers during the school day (space will be designated for sports bag/equipment.




  • Students must continue to follow the dress code, the only exceptions are on school approved dress-down days students may wear full length jeans and any school appropriate shirt.
  • No jeans with holes and no shorts are permitted.


Principal has discretion to make exceptions when necessary.